Name Kind Number Type Description
AC FORMAT A Integer "Number of non-reference alleles called for each sample"
AD FORMAT R Integer "Empirical allele depth"
ADP FORMAT 1 Integer "Number of reads overlapping the position that could be assigned to an allele"
AF FORMAT R Float "Empirical allele frequency (AD / ADP)"
AFB FORMAT R Float "Absolute difference between empirical allele frequency (AF) and expected allele frequency given genotype"
AMQ FORMAT R Integer "Median mapping quality of reads assigned to each allele"
ARF FORMAT 1 Float "Fraction of reads overlapping the call that cannot be assigned to a unique haplotype"
BMC FORMAT 1 Integer "Number of base mismatches at variant position in reads supporting variant haplotype"
BMF FORMAT 1 Float "Fraction of base mismatches at variant position"
BMQ FORMAT 1 Integer "Median quality of base mismatches in reads assigned to a unique allele"
BQ FORMAT R Integer "Median base quality of reads supporting each allele"
CC INFO 1 Float "PP divided by QUAL"
CRF INFO 1 Float "Fraction of clipped reads covering the call"
DAD FORMAT R Integer "Number of realigned reads supporting ALT alleles identified as duplicates"
DAF FORMAT R Float "Fraction of realigned reads supporting ALT alleles identified as duplicates"
DC INFO 1 Float "Number of reads supporting a de novo haplotype in the normal"
DENOVO FORMAT 1 Integer "DENOVO status of each sample"
DP FORMAT 1 Integer "Number of read overlapping the call"
DPC FORMAT 1 Float "Concordance of allele support from duplicate reads"
ER FORMAT R Float "Error rate in supporting reads"
ERS FORMAT R Float "Error rate standard deviation in supporting reads"
FRF FORMAT 1 Float "Fraction of reads filtered for calling"
GC INFO 1 Float "GC bias of the reference in a window centred on the call"
GQ INFO A Integer "Number of non-reference alleles called for each sample"
GQD FORMAT 1 Float "GQ divided by DP"
ITV INFO A Flag "Is the variant a transversion"
MC FORMAT 1 Integer "Number of mismatches at variant position in reads supporting variant haplotype"
MF FORMAT 1 Float "Fraction of reads with mismatches at variant position"
MHL FORMAT . Integer "Mean likelihood (Phreds) of reads overlapping the site assigned to each haplotype"
MP INFO 1 Float "Model posterior for this haplotype block"
MQ INFO 1 Float "Mean mapping quality of reads overlapping the call"
MQ0 INFO 1 Integer "Number of reads overlapping the call with mapping quality zero"
MQD FORMAT 1 Integer "Maximum pairwise difference in median mapping qualities of reads supporting each haplotype"
MRC FORMAT 1 Integer "Number of reads supporting the call that appear misaligned"
MRL FORMAT 1 Integer "Maximum read length overlapping the site"
NC INFO 1 Float "Fraction of overlapping reads supporting a somatic haplotype in the normal"
PLN FORMAT 1 Integer "Length of the phase block for the call"
PP INFO 1 Float "Call posterior probability"
PPD INFO 1 Float "PP divided by DP"
QD INFO 1 Float "QUAL divided by DP"
QUAL INFO A Integer "Number of non-reference alleles called for each sample"
REB FORMAT 1 Float "Probability allele occurs at the end (head or tail) of supporting reads"
REFCALL FORMAT 1 Integer "REFCALL status of each sample"
RSB FORMAT 1 Float "Bias of variant side (head or tail half) in supporting reads"
RTB FORMAT 1 Float "Probability allele occurs in the tail of supporting reads"
SB FORMAT 1 Float "Strand bias of reads based on haplotype support"
SD FORMAT 1 Float "Strand bias of reads overlapping the site; probability mass in tails of Beta distribution"
SF FORMAT 1 Float "Max fraction of reads supporting ALT alleles that are supplementary"
SHC FORMAT 1 Integer "Number of called somatic haplotypes"
SMQ FORMAT 1 Integer "Median mapping quality of reads assigned to called somatic haplotypes"
SOMATIC FORMAT 1 Integer "SOMATIC status of each sample"
STRL INFO 1 Integer "Length of overlapping STR"
STRP INFO 1 Integer "Period of overlapping STR"
VL FORMAT 1 Integer "Maximum length of called alleles"