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This case study considers Mitochondria variant calling. We will call and benchmark variants in the mixture sample described in Fazzini et al..

This tutorial is included as a Snakemake workflow. Run it with

$ snakemake --snakefile mitochondria.smk -j 16 --use-singularity


This tutorial assumes a directory structure like

│ └───references
│ └───reads
│ │ └───raw
│ │ └───mapped
│ └───truth

We'll go ahead and create this upfront:

$ mkdir -p data/{references,truth} data/reads/{raw,mapped}
$ mkdir -p results/{calls,eval}

Download data#

First, download PCR-amplified mitochondria Illumina MiSeq reads:

$ curl -o data/reads/raw/H1_U5.M4-Herk_S41.R1.fastq.gz
$ curl -o data/reads/raw/H1_U5.M4-Herk_S41.R2.fastq.gz

Next, we need a reference genome. For this tutorial we'll use GRCh38 with ALT and decoys contigs (hs38DH), which includes the revised Cambridge Reference Sequence (rCRS). The simplest way to get this is with bwakit:

$ run-gen-ref hs38DH
$ mv hs38DH.fa* data/references

We'll also need the truth variants to evaluate our calls, Fazzini et al. provide these in Supplementary Table S7. However, since we'll need a VCF for benchmarking, we have manually translated these variants into VCF, which can be downloaded using:

$ curl -o data/truth/H1_U5.vcf.gz
$ curl -o data/truth/H1_U5.vcf.gz.tbi
$ curl -o data/truth/H1_U5.highconf.bed

Map reads#

First, we need to index the reference genome for alignment:

$ samtools faidx data/references/hs38DH.fa
$ bwa index data/references/hs38DH.fa

Next, we map the raw reads to the reference genome with bwa mem:

$ bwa mem \
-R "@RG\tID:S41\tSM:H1_U5\tLB:M4\tPU:Illumina" \
data/reference/hs38DH.fa \
data/reads/raw/H1_U5.M4-Herk_S41.R1.fastq.gz data/reads/raw/H1_U5.M4-Herk_S41.R2.fastq.gz | \
samtools view -bh | \
samtools sort -o data/reads/mapped/H1_U5.M4-Herk_S41.hs38DH.bam -
$ samtools index data/reads/mapped/H1_U5.M4-Herk_S41.hs38DH.bam

This should complete in less than a minute.

Call variants#

Now we can call variants with octopus. Since we're aiming to call homoplasmic and heteroplasmic mitochondria variants, we'll be using the polyclone calling model. We'll use the provided mitochondria config which sets several options. We'll also set the sequence error model to reflect the PCR amplified library design of this sample. Finally, we restrict calling to the mitochondria reference genome and use built-in multithreading:

$ octopus \
-R data/reference/hs38DH.fa \
-I data/reads/mapped/H1_U5.M4-Herk_S41.hs38DH.bam \
-T chrM \
--config /opt/octopus/resources/configs/mitochondria.config \
--sequence-error-model PCR \
-o results/calls/H1_U5.M4-PCR-Herk_S14.hs38DH.octopus.vcf.gz \
--threads 8

This should complete in ~30 minutes.

Evaluate variants#

Finally, we will evaluate our calls with RTG Tools vcfeval. This tool requires the reference sequence to be preprocessed:

$ rtg format -o ~/reference/hs38DH.sdf ~/reference/hs38DH.fa

Then evaluate the calls with vcfeval:

$ rtg vcfeval \
-t data/reference/hs38DH.sdf \
-b data/truth/H1_U5.vcf.gz \
--evaluation-regions data/truth/H1_U5.highconf.bed \
-c results/calls/H1_U5.M4-PCR-Herk_S14.hs38DH.octopus.vcf.gz \
-o results/eval/H1_U5.M4-PCR-Herk_S14.hs38DH.octopus.pass.alt.vcfeval \
--sample ALT \
-m annotate \

We should see the following results:

Threshold True-pos-baseline True-pos-call False-pos False-neg Precision Sensitivity F-measure
None 38 38 1 4 0.9744 0.9048 0.9383