Germline WGS
This case study considers whole-genome germline variant calling in an individual. We will use the syntheic-diploid sample CHM1-CHM13.
This tutorial is included as a Snakemake workflow. Run it with
PrerequisitesThis tutorial assumes a directory structure like
We'll go ahead and create this upfront:
Download dataFirst, download WGS CHM1-CHM13 PCR-free Illumina HiSeq-X10 reads (PRJEB13208) from EBI:
Next, we need a reference genome. In this example we'll use GRCh38 with ALT and decoys contigs (hs38DH). The simplest way to get this is with bwakit
We'll also need the truth variants to evaluate our calls, which we can get from the CHM-eval GitHub:
Map readsFirst, we need to index the reference genome for alignment:
Next, we map the raw reads to the reference genome with bwa mem
This should take a few hours.
Call variantsNow we can call variants with octopus
. Since this is single-sample germline calling, we'll be using the individual calling model. We'll also set the sequence error model to reflect the PCR-free library design of this sample and Illlumina X10 sequencer, and use random forest filtering. Finally, we restrict calling to the primary chromosomes and use the built-in multithreading:
This should complete in a few hours.
Evaluate variantsFinally, we will evaluate our calls with RTG Tools vcfeval
. This tool requires the reference sequence to be preprocessed:
Then evaluate the calls with vcfeval
We should see the following results: